We knew where to get the most scrumptious sticky bun. As well as one outrageously yummy and huge chocolate peanut butter cookie that we carted all over this island and used as emergency rations when needed.
I've learned that Eagle Eye K has a special knack for finding places that we are looking
also able to read an entire menu, in detail, before I even lay it flat on the table). She can spot the grocery store, coffee house, bank, "real" deli, whatever, from a distance when we are walking down the street. Today she sighted some white tents about a half mile down the road and said, "There's a farmer's market. Let's go!" We went. It was "whimsical" and "wacky" flea market. Crafts, clothes, lots of jewerly, household furnishings, Heidi Klum and her entourage of body guards, children and nannies. Finally, a celeb sighting. We can check that off the list.
At the Metropolitan Museum of Art I was first drawn to the Modern Design Collection where I got to ogle the groovy modern chairs made of steel, foam tubes, cotton webbing, wood and cane and my fav, a metallic green polyester resin with polyurethane lacquer, lounge
chair reminiscent of the Star Trek emblem. I think the chairs were appealing partially because it had been so long since I used one. Then, in keeping with the theme of the day, I did the catwalk through the Model as Muse: Embodying Fashion exhibit that focused "fashion models' ability to embody the idealized aesthetic of an entire generation", (don't quote me here).
Model as Muse worked it by displaying model history, magazine layouts, model
bios, actual clothing representative of the different decades from the 1940's to 2000's? - formal satins and velvets, Twiggy, plastic sequin and chain dresses, the first jersey wool, topless, one piece in 1964, (that's right, nothing covering the 2 on top - scandalous), pragmatic, independent sweaters and trousers, disco, Brooke's Calvins, grunge, the return to glamour, Lauren, Jerry, Iman, Cindy, Claudia...
Sitting on a 150,000 year old rock in Central Park. Our new friend, a horticulturist, explained us that Central Park is at the center of Manhattan and that all of Manhattan sits on rock foundation called schist.
Snapping turtles, eager for a handout at their watering hole in Central Park.
Sipping teachers, eager for a handout at their watering hole, Tarvern on the Green
K, striking a pose with supermodel, Kong. King Kong.
Quote of the day:
It's okay to be sad, but not so sad that you are down.
Patrick, bartender at Tavern on the Green
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