2009 As a teacher with 21 years in the K-2 trenches, I'm honored AND all fired up about rubbing shoulders with the cutting edge of literacy at Columbia Teachers College Reading and Writing Project. Going to TC is one of the amazing opportunities I've had as a Cotsen Family Foundation Fellow. Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined that I'd be hitting the books with the top notch experts, in the flesh and blood! Heads up for time on the town as well, in the city that never sleeps.
Keynote Speaker: Lois Lowry, author of 40 books, including Number the Stars, The Giver.
Lois Lowry signing my copy of “Gathering Blue” – a book I picked up from the “give-away table” several years ago and ritually used as my fake Silent Reading book at the beginning of each school year, (when I used to do Silent Reading). I’m embarrassed to say I’ve never finished the book. Though I always looked forward to rereading the start each fall.
Jen Serravallo Session:
Her research found that there is little or no correlation between the text leveling systems used by publishers. In fact, many texts are inaccurately leveled within a publisher’s own leveling system. Use Book Wizard as a rough guide.
Non Fiction Text Considerations to Examine When Leveling Books:
-How explicit is the text?
-Density of the text
-Text features
Non Fiction Instruction Points :
-Determine main ideas
-Determine key details that support main idea
-Figure out meaning of vocabulary
-Utilize text features – not just saying, “This is a glossary”, but actually using the glossary and knowing how it supports understanding the text.
Barb Golub Day session:
-Read Aloud Assessment (formative assessment)
Saw a staged reading of “The Silent Boy” by Lois Lowry.
Headed for the French finish line at Bar Boulud, (heard about this chef on Lynn Rosetto Kasper's Splendid Table on NPR), where I made the mistake of being seated inside at the cool, chic, bar, rather than at a hot and muggy, noisy, table on the street, (these are the kind of ops one gets where they roll into fine restaurants Anthony Bourdain style - no reservations). Thought I could soak in the quality dining atmosphere better if I were indoors. Indeed I did. I had the opportunity to soak in the off-gas of young love. The "bar" was an elegant community table where I joined two sets of beautiful, 2o-something lovebirds. I would have practically been in one couple's lap, had there not been as much smooching and cooing and getting to know each other better that kept them intertwined. Thank goodness I had brought along a 3rd grade level chapter book, (The Stories Julian Tells), to divert my attention! Nonetheless, my dinner was quite delicious.
Crossed the French finish line just a couple doors down at Epicerie Boulud, (same chef - Daniel Boulud), where I purchased a dessert I could savor in solitude.
Keynote this morning by Kathy Collins, author of Growing Readers and TC leader extraordinaire.
Kathy’s regiment for a positive outlook in light of our nation’s current state of education:
1. Search for “charm points”, (Japanese concept), - a person’s most appealing physical, (or beyond), feature
2. Be on Team Kid every moment – How is this good for kids? In kids best interest?
3. Find partners in fun and opportunities for laughter EVERY DAY – “Oh, no you didn’t” stories or “Would your rather…?”
Jen Serravallo section:
Compared assessment responses between level K and level N readers.
Then compared assessment responses between level N and level Q readers.
Barb Golub section:
(that's a typewriter on her bicep)
Crafting Teaching Points
Non fiction Book Clubs
Note about college classes - Remember when you had to go and buy "the reader" at Kinkos or the Copy Center so that you had all the articles and handouts that your professor wanted you to read? Way back when we did the Masters program in 2003-05 we were given a CD that we were expected to install and read. Nowadays, when the instructor wants you to look at a chart or handout, she emails it to you on the spot. No laptop, tablet, ipad? - you'll get to share one of the hard copies with your neighbor.
Best lunch of the week - with S!
Short but sweet.
Finally consumed the heralded Shake Shack burger and Concrete, (as described on the menu - dense frozen custard blended at high speed with mix-ins). Very traditional American fare.
In Central Park we checked in on the snapping turtles.
This fellow
had beached himself in the hot sun,
like the lovely lady behind B in the photo below.
All of Manhattan congregating in the vicinity of the Hudson River. It’s mass mayhem – herds of humans attempting to gain a viewing vantage of the 9:20pm fireworks, helicopters in holding positions overhead, streets blocked off, cops yelling, people arguing. An American custom.
Afterwards we resurrected the American custom of getting a libation at the Rockefeller Plaza bar.
Late night Famous Ray's pizza - very patriotic.