Monday morning, we were back in the saddle at Teachers College and it was so excellent. Lucy Calkins kicked off the morning keynote with one of her engaging, inspiring, "rally cry" speeches that demonstrated how powerful it can be to weave everyday events in life, like births, deaths, blood tests, growing older... into the our lessons. Part of the idea being, "When you change your perspective, you change everything." So simple, so profound.
Quotes and summarizations:
Data from 300,000 control group studies show that academic achievement is supported when learners have a crystal clear view of their goals. As leaders of our organizations, our classrooms, how do we make goals crystal clear and come to life? One of the most powerful ways is through real life stories that hold together ideas together and make goals come alive.
Lucy also encouraged us to go out and seize the moment/day, since it's all we've got. Hence, later in the afternoon K and I purchased tickets to a show we were hoping to go to on Wednesday at FULL PRICE, guaranteeing ourselves that we'd actually go and get good seats. Our wallets were a little lighter after that.
After the morning keynote we have a morning session, then lunch, and then an afternoon session, followed by optional closing sessions. I am psyched with my session presenters. I got the people I was hoping for, and they are both experienced, knowledgeable, super competent, and have accomplished presentation skills.
In the morning I have Kathy Collins, who wrote the book "Growing Readers", that I used as one of my mentor texts in developing reading lessons all last year. We are working on
the principles of planning a unit through authoring a non-fiction unit of study.
Being a big fan, I cut my lunch break short so I could schmooze with Kathy after our session. I wasn't so sure I had made a good first impression in the morning since I spent at least the first five minutes of class digging through my overstuffed purse looking for a bandaid. Somehow I had acquired a deep cut on the back of my finger on my right hand, (my note-taking hand), while using the men's restroom - you know how long the line is for the ladies... (my mind reels when I ponder what I cut it on -eeeuww!), and I was bleeding profusely. Napkin, antibacterial wipe, piece of paper - all blotched with plenty 'o blood. Yvette, (who is also in luv with K.C.), watch out! I'm moving in on your territory. Not only did I patch things up in my after class chat, I put my arm around her, (photo evidence), which may even be considered "first base" in some states! All flirting aside, it's incredible to watch her mind work and catch any sparks flying from the process.
Celeb Sighting: We went to dinner at a Thai restaurant recommended by one of my "turn and talk" partners, (teacherese for discuss with your neighbor what your thoughts are). While there, K realized that we were dining a few feet from Matt Dillon. I had seen the guy come in and thought he looks a lot like that guy with the jaw... what's his name... and then turned back to our delicious veggie dumplings. It takes K's Eagle Eye to make the call...
And on Sunday morning we saw the young woman with the Marge Simpson topnot, poof-of-hair that auditioned for So You Think You Can Dance, ("A dancer like you only comes along once every hundred years" - dreamy Tyce quote. But she didn't make the top 11).
Bathroom in Thai restaurant where Matt Dillon and I MAY have shared germs.